21 Celebrities And Their Historical Lookalikes

7. Nicolas Cage and someone from the Civil War Era

Nicholas Cage and his historical lookalike

Nicolas Cage, birth name – Nicolas Kim Coppola, is an American actor and director with decades of hard work in his bag. He’s starred in multiple films, including Face-Off, Wild at Heart, Racing with the Moon, Ghost Rider, City of Angels, Gone in 60 Seconds, and National Treasure, to mention a few. He’s also passionate about activism and does a lot of charity work. His lookalike is spotted right of the picture above – an unknown man from the 1800s.

8. Christian Bale and his unknown lookalike

Christian Bale and his historical lookalike

Counting the beards, shape of their faces, and eyes, Christian Bale and this unknown man from the 1800s could literally be the same person. Christian Bale is an English-American celebrity and environmentalist, known for his many roles in film, including the Dark Knight franchise. He is loved for his intense method acting style, where he willingly makes drastic changes to his body just to fit specific film roles. His dedication has earned him lots of awards.