It’s not unusual to find parents leaving an inheritance for their children. But, that was the least of Jacob’s thoughts when he found a safe lying idle in a corner of a basement in his great-uncle Ray’s farmhouse. For Jacob, finding out that his great-great-grandfather had bequeathed a safe to the family was a surprise. But, the contents of the safe will be a much sweeter surprise. Jacob will soon find the safe-contained items of sentimental and financial value.

A safe full of mystery

The safe and its contents remained a mystery to Jacob and his family. Jacob was curious about how to open the safe to find out its content. He was excited and couldn’t help but share his exciting discovery on the internet, on a social media platform called Imgur. Jacob, via his nickname 70Becks, told his thousands of fans all about the mysterious safe he found. He also uploaded photos of the safe to validate his story.