A Dog Behaved Strangely Towards Its Owner’s Baby. Here’s Why!

Making The Choice

Most people already have a preference for the kind of dog they want even before they go out to adopt one, but the Taylor’s kept it cool with an open mind. They didn’t only want a dog to be part of their family; they wanted to give a dog who had no family, a home, and family. This motive pushed them to adopt an older rescue dog and give him a new family instead of getting a dog from a breeder.


On their visit to the rescue shelter, Sophie found this Doberman, and she felt her heart melt away. He stole it. She was filled with excitement, and the family adopted him. As the family and their latest member took the trip back home, Sophie and her husband went back and forth on a couple of names for the dog until they finally settled with Max.

A New Chapter for Max

Max’s charming, affectionate and family-friendly personality made it so easy for Sophie to forget about all warnings and advice given to her about his disturbing past. She was well aware of his possibilities of being unstable, but this double-new mom was willing to take the risk of having him in her home – after all, love conquers all.