
Jeff says he had to be very careful when opening the hatch. He put on a special protective suit just in case, and was poised to protect himself from whatever came out from under the floor. With his expertise and skill, he manages to pull something from under the bed and put it on the table…it was unimaginable!

remove bees, beehive, bee colony

It wasn’t until the object was placed on the table that it became clear what had happened. It turned out to be a beehive under the wife’s bed. Bees crawl out one after another from the narrow entrance of the hive to the floor. Bees are protected in the United States, so it’s important to keep the bees from dying during rescue operations, and Jeff says rescuing found bees is the perfect way to set them free. I noticed that it is.

“It’s stressful for the bees to be moved to the hive,” Jeff said. “But having a queen bee in the hive makes moving much easier.” He dismantled the hive into small pieces and safely transferred it to a box on the beekeeper’s property, releasing the queen bee. The queen quickly crawled to the center of the hive, and the worker bees soon surrounded it. Currently, there are reports of “Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD)”, in which the number of bees (especially honeybees) is decreasing around the world, and it is said that about 1/4 of the honeybees have disappeared in the northern hemisphere. In this case, I’m really glad that the bedroom mystery was solved and the bees were safely protected!

beekeeper, beehive