How to tidy up your house in 8 minutes

Clear the kitchen table

Kitchen table

It would be a shame if your guest had to point out leftovers or crumbs on your kitchen table. So, give the table a good wipe with a damp cloth and liquid soap. Then, use a dry napkin to clean it. You can choose to drape the table or decide to leave it bare. Either one you settle for, placing a flower vase on the table won’t be a bad idea.


Clear junks in the living room

Living room

The living room is one of the most used spaces in the house. So, it can easily get cluttered and dirty. Start by putting away the children’s toys and play items. Line up your remotes, and books that are no longer in use. Straighten up the sofa, seat cushions and napkins. Then quickly run a damp cloth over the main surfaces to clean up the dust. Grab a trash bag or laundry basket to pick up trash, papers and snack wrappers that might be on the floor.