Wave goodbye to flies and maggots: easy hacks for a cleaner container

Opening your trash can or container during the summer can be unpleasant. The rapidly rotting food scraps become a party for flies that lay their eggs on them. This can quickly lead to flies and maggots in your trash can. Yuck! You certainly don’t want that! Fortunately, we have a super simple trick that ensures you’ll never be bothered by these pests again.

Flies in the Container


Have you ever had problems with flies in your container? This happens because the heat makes the smell of composting vegetables and fruit stronger. This causes your trash can or container to attract more flies. And once you have flies, it’s hard to get rid of them! The flies lay thousands of eggs that turn into maggots. Is your container in the sun? Then this process is also accelerated. Time to do something about it!

You Already Have the Solution at Home

maggots on the trash container

We all suffer from maggots and flies in the container during the summer months. Because of the heat, your container becomes a real treat for these critters. It’s a nightmare: you open the trash can, and suddenly you see all these maggots and flies among the garbage. Yuck! Do you have problems with maggots and flies in the container but don’t know what to do about it? Fortunately, there is an easy and environmentally friendly trick that can keep flies and maggots out of your trash can. It might sound strange, but all you need is a piece of bread!

On the next page, you’ll read how a piece of bread can help you against flies and maggots in your container!