Overall Solution for Growing Plants

Growing flowers is the favorite activity of many people on the planet. However, it can become rather hard if harmful insects are swarming in your garden. Fear not though, because we have the best solution for this problem. Will it cost you a fortune? Will it be hard to go throug with? The answer is a big NO for both!

So what is it then? Matchsticks!

person holding a match stick over a flower pot

Match sticks contain elements which are really beneficial for the health of your plants. But there is one more element, which is just the perfect solution against insects. Sulphur. Simply put a couple of matchsticks into the pot and let the ingredients dissolve. It will take up around 7 days, so make sure you don’t remove them until then.

flowerpot with matchsticks

After the 7 days have passed, simply remove the matchsticks, and enjoy the scent and aesthetics of your growing beauty. Really simple, isn’t it?