The hunter rescues a wolf from drowning, what happens after a year will amaze you!

One day, the hunter’s son was out playing in the woods and found himself in a dangerous situation. He had fallen through the ice of the same lake where the wolf had been rescued. But this time, the wolf was there to save him. The animal had been following the boy all day and was able to pull him out of the freezing water.

rescued wolf

When the hunter found out what had happened, he was overjoyed and forever grateful to the wolf for saving his son’s life. But after the rescue, the wolf was nowhere to be found. The hunter could only assume that the animal had finally returned to the wild, but the bond that had formed between them would never be forgotten.


This is a work of fiction created for entertainment. The characters and events depicted in this story are purely fictional and any resemblance to real people or events is coincidental. The images shown are for illustration purposes only and do not depict real people or events.