During The Wedding, The Bride Does Something That Leaves The Guests In Awe

Bad news

Jackie Gonchar

The doctors told Jackie that she would never be able to walk again. This was devastating news for the young girl. She was in tears and asked to be left alone. The doctors were certain that she would not walk again and that she would be confined to a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Jackie was advised to accept the new normal, but she was not the kind of person to give up easily. She worked hard for her future and it seemed like it was slipping away in front of her.

The depression

Jackie Gonchar

She turned to exercise as a way to escape the reality of her life, but the lack of mobility caused her to sink into a deep depression. It seemed like there was no way out. Jackie didn’t want to let go of the things she liked before the accident, so she kept going to the beach, parks, and doing whatever she could to make the most out of her life. Unfortunately, all of that didn’t keep Jackie from falling into a deep depression that lasted about six months.
